
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Priyanka Chettri tops in Nepali in ICSE results 2011

Heard of someone scoring 100 out of 100 in mathematics? 'Ofcourse yes'.
But have you heard of someone who scored 98 marks in Nepali? 'Maybe not!!'

While going across news sites about Sikkim on the web I came across this news which really made me happy. I remembered my school days when our Nepali teacher used to tell us that scoring more than 95 in Nepali is almost impossible.

Making the impossible thing for my teacher possible is this young girl named Priyanka Chettri of St. Francis School of Jorethang. She scored the highest marks in Nepali subject in class X (ten), ICSE Board Exam 2011.

Her marks are as follows:
Nepali: 98
Math: 90
CS: 92
ES: 94

Nepali is one such subject which is considered to be lengthy and unimportant by many students nowadays. Check: malai nepali ramro aundaina! - HR Chettri. The achievement of this young girl is really encouraging for the coming youngsters.

The school Principal, teachers, friends along with her family have heartily extended their congratulations on her performance. She is not only a good student but a singer, dancer and also participates in other co-curricular activities of the school.

SSG wishes her best of luck for her future.

courtesy: sikkim mail

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